The Ins and Outs of Vaginal Yeast Infection
Must-Know Facts Unearthed

A lot of women go through vaginal yeast infection in some parts of their lives. It’s usually caused by the overgrowth of yeast organisms, which normally live within the genital parts of women.

These micro organisms generally live within damp areas of the body. So armpits, mouth and vagina are often affected by yeast attacks.

Before we discuss more on vaginal yeast infection, let us share some crude facts. Did you know that the US women population annually spend around $60 million on OTC products and a significant part of which pertains to yeast infections? Another alarming fact is that, a large part of the yeast infected women don’t realize that they are being invaded by vaginal yeast infection.

Unfortunately, vaginal yeast infection is mistakenly taken as simple vaginal infections, for which women take antibiotics and this ironically will even further worsen the situation. Every woman has a particular amount of yeast fungus in their vagina. But the guardian bacteria in their vagina keep these harmful yeast funguses suppressed. Among the things that a misdiagnosed by women who buy one of the over-the-counter remedies which are available in the U.S. Self-treatment of vaginal yeast infections should never be attempted by any woman who has never been first diagnosed for at least one yeast infection by her physician.

When you can find that your vaginal irritation symptoms are really yeast oriented, you have multiple options to cure your vaginal yeast infections. For instance, if you are just looking for some kind of OTC solutions, you can find a lot that are available in U.S. pharmacies. Treatments featuring OTC products can recommend different kind of durations for curing your vaginal yeast infections. But this could very well range between 1 and 7 days. There are different types of creams now available for cure. This includes different types of brand names like Monistat, Femstat, Gyne-Lotrimin or Mycostatin.

Women preferring less messy choices to these creams sold as OTC might consult with their physician to get prescribed for different medications. Good examples could be Diflucan, which happens to be a single-dose oral medication meant for yeast infection treatments. There are many kinds of oral medications for vaginal yeast infections, however. This includes Nizoral. It is meant for oral intakes and is supposed to be consumed for a week or two.

For some patients, this medication is recommended once a day, while for others, twice a day is recommended. The bottom line is that, depending on the category and severity of vaginal yeast infections, the medications and level of dosage tend to vary.

Remember, that you should always try to consult a physician for discussing the symptoms of yeast infections. Then again, you should try and ask them so they recommend you the proper medication along with the right dosage of treatments which best suit you.

To make sure you do not get these nasty vaginal yeast infections, you should try and wear clean undergarments – preferably made out of cottons. And no matter what you do, try to avoid things like nylon or lycra – at least do not wear them if you do not have to absolutely. Likewise, you should stay away from wearing panty hoses if you are not wearing suitable cotton panties beneath it.

Some women feel vaginal discomfort when they under go menopausal periods as they feel mild or severe vaginal yeast infection at this time. For these people, especially those who are using oral contraceptives, there are special vaginal lubricants that make the inner vaginal tube slippery during sexual intercourse.

As vaginal yeast infections tend to dry up the vagina, the use of such artificial lubricant can be of great help. Just in case you did not know, yeast happens to be a typical intestinal tract inhabitant. So it could help if you wipe it out from the front to back when you are done with your bowel movement.

This prevents the transfer of yeast into your vaginal areas and you reduce the risk of further vaginal yeast infections. You must exercise utmost care during your sexual intercourses. This will help prevent various types of vaginal infections that occur due to contaminating organisms happening because of the bowel and/or rectum.

And if you suffer vaginal yeast infections much too often, it could help you start eating a cup of fresh yogurt every single day – especially while you are taking antibiotics. It can help prevent vaginal yeast infections which oftentimes follow the antibiotic treatments. Nevertheless, yogurt alone cannot be always sufficient for curing vaginal yeast infections.

You might have to consider using other OTC remedies and other types of homemade remedies. Along with this, you should also try to take some precautionary measures to deal with your yeast infections. For instance, it could help if you stay away from perfumed bath additives or powders around your vaginal area. Few physicians now recommend douching, as it’s not the best idea there is. Actually, it could simply wash away those natural protective mucous or bacteria from your vagina. This leaves women utterly susceptible to various types of vaginal infections.

The bottom line is here. Almost all sorts of vaginal yeast infections are caused by a fungus called Candida. Just like we discussed earlier, it is a type of microorganism that is usually found inside your vagina. But these harmful organisms actually live alongside the guardian bacteria in your vagina. The vagina by nature sustains an evenhanded proportion of yeast organisms and bacteria. Clinical researches have found that acid is produced by lactobacillus bacteria and this can discourage the overgrowth of vaginal yeast.

If the patient takes antibiotics for a long period of time or if her immune system is weakened due to stress or illness, this balance of yeast organisms and bacteria is disrupted. That is when the guardian bacteria are not able to suppress the yeast anymore and the yeast organisms start dominating. This leads to mild or severe cases of vaginal yeast infections.

In other words, too much of yeast inside the vagina could lead to constant or occasional vaginal itching. This could be unfortunately coupled with constant burning. Some women feel different types of absurd symptoms when these vaginal yeast infections charge in.

The yeast overgrowth could result from the use of antibiotics. This leads to lethal reduction of the lactobacillus bacteria in the vagina and a negative change inside the vaginal pH. This allows the yeast to massively overgrow. Other conditions that trigger vaginal yeast infections are - pregnancy, untamed diabetes, weakened immune system and anything which creates an imbalance in the type and quantity of guardian bacteria that are normally present in a healthy vagina.
